

影视:妈妈的朋友2,讲述了 "

[6] 李泽厚:《论语今读》,45页,北京,生活·读书·新知三联书店,2004。
[7] (宋)朱熹:《诗集传》,1页,北京,文学古籍刊行社,1955。
[8] 高亨:《周易大传》,558-559页,济南,齐鲁书社,1979。
[9] (唐)孔颖达:《周易正义》,(魏)王弼,韩康伯注,170页,上海,上海古籍出版社,1990。
[10] (唐)孔颖达:《周易正义》,(魏)王弼,韩康伯注,22页,上海,上海古籍出版社,1990。
[11] (战国)庄周:《庄子·寓言》。
[12] 王树人、李明珠:《感悟庄子——“象思维”视野下的〈庄子〉》,4页,南京,江苏人民出版社,2006。
[13] Victor H.Mair(ed.),Experimental Essays on Chuang Tzu.Hawaii:Hawaii University Press,1983,p.60.(原文:This conversation,which looks like a Zen question-and-answer session,is in fact very different.Zen always carries the argument to a point beyond the reach of science,but the exchange between Chuang Tzu and Hui Tzu can be seen as an indirect comment on the question of rationalism and empiricism in science.The logic of Hui Tzu’s manner of arguing seems to be far better throughout than Chuang Tzu’s,and the refusal to accept anything that is neither well-defined nor verifiable such as the fish’s enjoyment is,of course,closer to the traditional scientific attitude.Nevertheless,although I am a scientist myself,I find myself more in sympathy with what Chuang Tzu wanted to imply。)




韩国电影片提供:妈妈的朋友2完整版在线免费观看全集高清,剧情:影视:妈妈的朋友2,讲述了 "[6] 李泽厚:《论语今读》,45页,北京,生活·读书·新知三联书店,2004。[7] (宋)朱熹:《诗集传》,1页,北京,文学古籍刊行社,1955。[8] 高亨:《周...
